Precious Petals Bouquet
Precious Petals Bouquet
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Nestled among bright orange gerberas, pink roses, and white lilies, this precious crystal cross keepsake brings joyful reverence to your special occasion.
Approximately 15 1/2" W x 13" H
The Precious Petals Bouquet from Durocher Florist combines spiritual significance with floral elegance. It is perfect for many of life’s significant moments—a christening, a memorial, or a heartfelt celebration. The exquisite crystal cross keepsake is central to this arrangement, a symbol of faith and eternal beauty, which adds a significant touch to the bouquet. Surrounding the gleaming cross are lush and vibrant blooms that capture the essence of joy and reverence. Bright orange gerberas convey cheerfulness and enthusiasm, while the soft pink roses add a touch of grace and admiration to the mix. Including pristine white lilies elevates the arrangement with a sense of purity and renewal, making the bouquet a visual feast and a symbol of new beginnings and hope.
This arrangement, approximately 15 1/2 inches wide by 13 inches high, is thoughtfully designed to celebrate life's special occasions with a blend of beauty and heartfelt symbolism. It’s an ideal gift that communicates love, respect, and a sense of reverence, ensuring that your gesture of kindness will be remembered and appreciated. The Precious Petals Bouquet is a testament to the craftsmanship and care Durocher Florist puts into each creation, ensuring that each bloom and leaf comes together in perfect harmony to support the gleaming cross at its heart.